Thursday, January 7, 2010

Defence Forces should be deployed in Louth and Drogheda

Defence Forces should be deployed in County Louth

Deputy Mayor of Drogheda, Councillor Kevin Calln has called for the Defence Forces to be deployed in County Louth as part of a centrally co-ordinated National Emergency Plan.

Cllr. Callan has said that this is vital to help local authority staff to deal with the current weather crisis and must be implemented as a matter of urgency, and Defence Forces personnel and transport mobilised immediately to provide critical assistance to local authorities and address existing manpower shortages”.

“Road conditions across the county of Louth and Meath are getting worse, and many public transport routes suspended. With conditions set to worsen over the next few days, The County and the North East should be placed on an emergency footing.

“The Government must immediately:
• Mobilise the Defence Forces to provide manpower for Louth Local Authorities in gritting and clearing roads. In particular, military transport should be used to move people and supplies where required, particularly in mountainous areas;
• Implement a National Emergency Plan with the Office of Emergency Planning co-ordinating all relief efforts;
• The communications facility located in Agriculture House in Dublin, designed specifically for emergencies such as this, should be manned on a 24/7 basis so that all stakeholders, Government departments, State agencies, local authorities, the Gardaí, Defence Forces, Civil Defence and others, can channel information through a single location;
• Informed decisions can then be made and action taken at specific locations around the country.

“Our Local authorities are clearly trying but are unable to cope. Our towns and villages are being crippled by snow and ice, the economy is grinding to a halt, and many schools will be unable to open tomorrow. Yet the Government’s only response has been a deafening silence and the country is coming to a standstill. Without direct intervention and leadership the consequences will be grave indeed.”

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