Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Mayor sets out bold agenda for next year.

Mayor sets out bold agenda for next year.

Employment, Youth facilities, Tourism to receive serious attention

Cllr. Kevin Callan was elected the 412th mayor of Drogheda at the Councils annual meeting held on Monday 20th June.

In his speech to Council the new mayor set out a bold and ambitious agenda where he said his top priority would be job creation and the retention of existing jobs in the town.

“I am firmly of the view that our main concern in Drogheda must continue to be job creation and job protection. In the next 12 months I will be bringing forward to this Council a series of proposals in respect of job creation and schemes to assist the stimulation of existing business and industry in our town as well as ways to attract inward investment to Drogheda”.

The Mayor stated that more interaction between the council and committed himself to having the Lourdes Stadium project and the Youth Café at Fair Street progressed as safe and badly needed youth facilities where young people could socialise in safe environments.

Tourism also was highlighted in the Mayors address with the Tholsel project to be completed within his term of office. The Tholsel itself was described by the Mayor as our towns embassy and the Mayor committed himself to continuing to work in having it made the first stop on the Boyne Valley Trail in cooperation with Failte Eireann.

Speech of Mayor Callan on election 20th June, 2011

Speech of Mayor Callan on Election 20th June, 2011.

May I firstly start off by simply saying thank you.

I acknowledge the huge honour that has been bestowed upon me by this Council this evening. I want to thank my colleagues in acknowledging their trust, confidence and faith in my ability to lead this Council into 2011 and the 600th Anniversary of the uniting of Drogheda into one town in 2012.

I feel extremely privileged to stand here in front of my colleagues, family and friends to accept the position of Mayor of Drogheda. I will for the next year undertake to fulfil my civic duties, based on the trust my fellow colleagues have bestowed on me this evening.

I feel both humbled and honoured by this election. I have a very strong affection and deep love for this town and this county. I was born in Drogheda, received my primary and secondary education here and this town has been my home and continues to be so. It is the place that I hold closest to my heart and at all times I will strive to make Drogheda a better place and to do right by all of the townspeople.

I want to take the opportunity to thank my fellow Councillors of all parties and none for their hard work over the past 24 months and I look forward to working with each and every one of you again over the next year. As I move tonight from a political role to a civic role I wish to make a very important point, that as this country moves from recession to recovery, we may all come from many different and diverse walks of life and different political thinking but our common link is that we all inhabit this town, we all want a safe and prosperous town for our children and future generations and we are all elected to work in the interests of Drogheda. We must continue to work together to make our town great, to allow our people to live, work and raise families here.

In particular I want to thank the outgoing Mayor Councillor Paul Bell who has conducted himself throughout his term with the best interests of the people of Drogheda at heart. In the past two years that I have sat on this Council I have worked closely with Mayor Bell and Mayor O’Dowd before him, and I have always been struck by the tradition of this office and the respect that the people of Drogheda have for the office of Mayor, an office that is almost 730 years old, indeed It is the oldest continuing political office in this town and one that is a part of who we are. I pledge tonight to continue in the tradition of those who have gone before me and to work in the spirit of our towns motto, “God our strength, Commerce our glory”.

I have noticed since my election in working with Mayor O’Dowd as his deputy and with Cllr. Bell that each year brings new challenges, new difficulties and new opportunities to the Mayor and to this Council. I am in no doubt that this year will bring great challenges which we must face and opportunities which we will have to grasp with both hands.

As I speak tonight in this historic setting I am fully reminded of the history and tradition of this office in this town and county. It is incredible to think that the first Mayor of Drogheda was Hugo Moyne in 1283, and If my figures are correct, I am to be the 412th mayor. My own family’s involvement in politics in Louth stretches back to years gone by having lived here since 1634 with Owen Callan being the first Catholic since the Battle of the Boyne to seek election in the era of catholic emancipation in this constituency and his son, Philip Callan MP being a member of the Nationalist and Home Rule Movement in the time of Isaac Butt and Charles Stewart Parnell. Several Callans have also served on this Council and in the Office of Mayor.

Now however we must look to the future, we find ourselves in dark times with people suffering and where hope and confidence are needed. I pledge tonight to operate an open door system where every person living and working in our town is welcome and encouraged to come forward with ideas, suggestions and thoughts on what can be done to make Drogheda move towards a real and meaningful recovery. As Mayor this is my first pledge to this town and its people. Throughout the course of the year I will be inviting members of the national government to Drogheda to discuss issues relating to our towns recovery in conjunction with seeking contributions from everyone who calls Drogheda home, we are all stakeholders in our town and are all entitled to be heard. I seek that assistance tonight, I ask for the support of the townspeople in this regard.

The time for using words of blame, complaint and bitterness are over, we have all been placed in a position none of us would have imagined 5 years ago, the reality is however that we are here now and must take charge of our own destiny as a town and as a community. I am drawn over the past year to a quotation given by a famous politician and I think it can be of use to us in these trying times when we face what appear to be impossible challenges.

“ we sometimes think that when things happen that don’t go the right way, when we suffer a defeat, that all is ended, not true, it is only a beginning always, because the greatness comes, not when things go always good for you, but the greatness comes when you’re really tested, when you take some knocks, some disappointments, when sadness comes, because only if you have been in the deepest valley, can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain”.

In recent years we have been thrown in the dirt, we have all experienced great difficulties, everyone has including families, traders, employees. Together we must pick ourselves up as a town, as a community. Let us dust ourselves off and begin the climb back to where we as a town belong, and that is on that mountain, we are a great town and a great community, lets work together to make this happen, and happen as quickly as possible.

I am firmly of the view that our main concern in Drogheda must continue to be job creation and job protection. In the next 12 months I will be bringing forward to this Council a series of proposals in respect of job creation and schemes to assist the stimulation of existing business and industry in our town as well as ways to attract inward investment to Drogheda.

In the past two years we as a Council have reduced commercial rates, introduced a business incentive scheme and will in the next twelve months provide information to local businesses on the tendering process and public procurement. I will be promoting more interaction between this Council and the people of Drogheda. We will also examine the Business Improvement District Scheme process and see if this is a viable option in assisting our traders who are also our local employers.

No one can be in any doubt that for many years our history and historic sites and location were some of our most valuable resources that were not fully appreciated or used to assist the town. We in Drogheda have a combination of historic buildings and history that is unrivalled in all of Ireland. WE must continue to strive to add to visitor numbers in Drogheda, to make this summer the greatest year for Tourism that is possible. In this regard I will be pushing for designated coach facilities in the town centre in the area of our tourist office, for the town to be the first stop on the Boyne Valley Trail in cooperation with Failte Ireland. I will also provide whatever assistance this office can to the Millmount Museum soon to be rebranded as Drogheda Museum at Millmount which is making huge efforts in attracting visitors and sharing our history with everyone in Drogheda. The 600th Anniversary in 2012 of the uniting of the two towns into one will also be a huge opportunity to promote this town nationally and internationally and we must do all that we can to celebrate this historic event, the Council are currently making efforts in this regard.

Many projects have been undertaken in the course of the lifetime of this Council, as Deputy Mayor, I was delighted to work with Mayor O’Dowd and the officials in having the Tholsel opened as our tourist office, no one can be in any doubt that this jewel in Droghedas crown has been hugely successful and in the current tourist summer season will continue to attract people to our town. The Tholsel is our embassy and the face of Drogheda for all visitors and our tourist office staff our ambassadors who are doing us all proud. It is my firm hope and it will be my intention to have the Tholsel project completed within the term of my mayoralty. I pledge also to all within my power to support the upcoming efforts of all involved in preparing the town for the Entente Florale competition which will see our town represent Ireland internationally. I will assist and offer any support I can to all groups undertaking projects to help tourism such as the greatly successful Boyne Valley Walking Festival, the Arts and Arts Festival and the upcoming Samba Festival.

It is my firm intention also in the coming year to work with all interested parties in establishing the Drogheda Agricultural Show to promote all aspects of local rural life in the Drogheda area and to further enhance our town in the summer months and to attract visitors to Drogheda as well as to provide an excellent day out for all those living in and around the town. I hope to return to this Council with more information on the establishment of the Drogheda Agricultural Show in the coming weeks which will be held in the Summer of 2012 on the 600th Anniversary of uniting of the two towns into one town.

Our young people are also extremely important to this town and we must continue to work on their behalf to put facilities in place for them. In this regard The Lourdes Stadium is a hugely important project which I will be pursuing in my term, for too long we have seen our young people inadequately provided for when it comes to youth facilities and in this respect I will also continue to work with officials and Drogheda Youth Development to see that the Youth Café Project is advanced at Fair Street, both projects will give our young people more access to recreational and educational facilities where they can seek guidance on youth issues and most importantly where they can find a safe environment to socialise.

Traffic also continues to be an important issue to the people of Drogheda as all members of this Council will be aware. Traffic related issues and the tolling of the ramps at Donore affect tourism, trade and the everyday lives of all people living and working in Drogheda. I wish to announce tonight that I will be seeking to establish a committee of members of our trading community, residents associations, the Gardai and Council Staff to look at the issue of traffic management, traffic flow and ways to improve the current situation in Drogheda, I will be coming to the Council with proposals in the coming weeks after discussions with the Councils officials on the ways and means of establishing such a group. I will also continue to support, as previous Mayors have, the efforts to establish our enterprise centre and to support the Drogheda City Status Campaign.

I would like to thank my Fiancee I also wish again to thank my colleagues on this Council, and family and friends for all of their help. I also would like to mention my younger brother Richard who passed away some years ago, who is as missed tonight as he is everyday.

I have no doubt that there will be hard times ahead in the next twelve months, I have no doubt that we will have to make difficult decisions, to assist our town. Let us restore confidence in our people, let the message go from this meeting tonight that we are committed to continuing to put all of our energy to this effort. I have no doubt that with the current team of passionate, dedicated and committed Councillors and Officials that we will work harder to succeed and achieve excellent results for Drogheda.

Thank you.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Calling Young Entrepeneurs

Cllr. Kevin Callan Encourages Local Young Entrepreneurs to Submit Ideas to Minister for Children and Youth Affairs to win research grant of €15,000 and week shadowing top Irish entrepreneur.

Fine Gael Cllr., Kevin Callan, has urged local entrepreneurs between the ages of 15 and 22 to submit their ideas on job creation to the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs.

“The Department of Children and Youth Affairs is organising a nationwide campaign offering young people with ideas on job creation the opportunity to put their proposals to the new Government,” said Cllr. Callan.

“This is a great initiative and I urge any local young person to get involved in this competition. It would be fantastic to have local participation in this programme which offers some exciting rewards for winning proposals. Entries are being evaluated by leading Irish business people and entrepreneurs,” continued the Drogheda Councillor.

The competition is being organised in conjunction with TV3’s “Every Job Counts” campaign and in line with the Government’s focus on job creation. The young people behind the top proposals will be given the opportunity to shadow a leading business person and the overall winner will receive a research grant of up to €15,000.

“Young people, like so many in our community, are worried about the recession, about their parents employment and about their own future employment. Many of them have huge energy and ideas for economic development and this initiative will help them structure those ideas into workable proposals,” said Cllr. Callan.

“Participants will be rewarded for their effort by receiving constructive feedback from business leaders. The young people who develop the best job creation proposals will be given the opportunity of spending a week shadowing a successful Irish entrepreneur and the top entry will also win a research grant with Amarach research of €15,000. I would urge any local young person to avail of this opportunity and let their ideas be heard,” concluded Cllr. Callan.

To enter this competition simply email your proposal to minister_fitzgerald@health.gov.ie or send it to Minister Frances Fitzgerald, Dept. of Children, Mespil Road, Dublin 4. For more information log on to www.omc.gov.ie

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Boyne Valley Walking Festival a must this June

Cllr Callan is welcoming the first Boyne Valley Walking Festival which runs the weekend beginning the 3rd of June. Bookings can be made at the Tourist Office in the Tholsel or at www.drogheda.ie

€800K for Louth Roads as Yellowbatter Road good as New- Callan

Cllr. Kevin Callan has welcomed the works carried out at Ascal a Tri Yellowbatter where the road surface has been repaired following months of poor driving conditions leaving residents and motorists with a safe and smooth driving surface.

“I am delighted to see that the works have been carried out and that the €56,000 allocated by Drogheda Borough Council has been put to good use allowing local people who have suffered from diabolical driving conditions since the bad weather to return to a normal and safe road surface. In recent weeks residents of Yellowbatter have discussed the issue with me alond with other issues such as traffic flow at Ascal a hAon.

These works were absolutely necessary and we must ensure that all other surfaces in the town are brought up to spec. Ascal a Tri is not only a residential area but a hugely important link road as is Bredin Street which has also been allocated €56,000. In recent months I have discussed the road surfaces with many residents and it is clear that there are still areas of road surface in estates such as Ashfield and Westcourt to name but a few where roads have also been affected and require repairs, these are issues which require attention and about which I have contacted Drogheda Borough Councils Roads section.

The Drogheda Leader has also learned from Cllr. Callan that the Government through the Department of Transport has allocated €800,000 for labour intensive road upgrade works in the constituency in the multi million euro Jobs Initiative announced in recent days. The Jobs Initiative will allow a number of key road repairs to be carried out, and will create jobs in the process. These projects can go ahead because the Government has committed €75 million nationally to ‘shovel-ready’ transport projects to start this year. Much of the funding will be used to repair roads in County Louth which were badly damaged in the last two severe winters under the restoration maintenance grants. Because this is brand new funding which has been re-allocated from elsewhere in the Department of Transport, these will be brand new jobs which otherwise would not have been created. Each road project will also benefit communities and create further spin-off jobs.

With this in mind I am seeking from Louth County Council, a list of projects that they envisage giving priority to as so many roads have been very seriously affected. I am also seeking that all local authorities in County Louth review their tender procedures in respect of small projects such as the one at Yellowbatter where just over €50,000 was allocated to ensure that local contractors are on an even footing with all other contractors who may be seeking tenders, to allow for more local employment and gains for those who live and work in Drogheda and County Louth.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Oldbridge Dumping is Disgusting- Cllr. Callan

Oldbridge Dumping is Disgusting- Cllr. Callan
Those responsible must be prosecuted by Louth/Meath Local Authorities

Drogheda Borough Councillor Kevin Callan has said that the issue of illegal dumping in the vicinity of Oldbridge must be dealt with and those responsible brought to justice. The councillor’s call comes following huge volumes of rubbish including mattresses, televisions and household waste has called for a joint approach to be taken by Drogheda, Louth and Meath local authorities.

Cllr. Callan said that the increase in recent months must be dealt with harshly by the local authorities and that legal action should be taken with those responsible being fined and prosecuted if required. This problem is steadily increasing in several areas around the town in remote and out of the way locations and those responsible obviously feel it is a viable alternative to paying to dispose of their waste, they must be shown that we in Drogheda will not tolerate this behaviour and will use the law to ensure those responsible are dealt with.

This Illegal dumping of domestic refuse is continuing in Oldbridge which a key area of our town, where locals and tourists alike travel along the Boyne on what is one of the most picturesque locations in Drogheda and despite increased surveillance of the area by the Litter Wardens. The quantities of rubbish are increasing as are the visits by those breaking the law and destroying the area. I will be pushing for the local authorities to investigate and take action, some of this dumping is occurring on public land and some on private land, all incidents must be examined.

Many local residents and people who walk and jog in the area have raised this matter and I would ask the community to be vigilante and to please report any suspicious activity Drogheda Borough Council without delay. At the end of the day it is the taxpayer that has to clean up after these mindless vandals. I am not going to let up on this and I promise I will do all that I can to see the perpetrators of this dumping brought before the courts.

Pedestrian Crossing? A tale of Two Counties- Cllr. Kevin Callan

Pedestrian Crossing? A tale of Two Counties- Cllr. Kevin Callan
Meath-Louth Crossing to go onto Rathmullen Road this year.

A pedestrian crossing is to be placed on the Rathmullen Road. Cllr. Kevin Callan has received clarification from Drogheda Borough Council that a pedestrian crossing is to be positioned in the vicinity of Highlands, Riverbank and St. Oliver’s Community College.

Cllr. Callan said that he had been contacted by residents of the area who had heard comments of difficulties with getting such a crossing with half of the road in Meath and half in Louth. There is no doubt that a crossing is needed on the Rathmullen Road but funding is required from two councils. The Council has replied to my notice of question at the March meeting held on Monday 7th that such a crossing is to be in place this year.

This is a positive development as the road that runs between the Highlands and Riverbank is the County Boundary and as such requires funding from both local authorities. I have placed the matter on the agenda of the March meeting and have been informed by the Council that in principle, Meath County Council are agreeable to provide half of the funding and Drogheda Borough Council have made provision for the crossing in its Roads Programme.

This crossing is absolutely vital for all those living in the area where we have a large number of young families with children attending local primary and secondary schools. The presence of a crossing will also provide a safe environment for those who use the route for leisure when walking towards Oldbridge and the Boyne Walk. I will also be seeking safety signage be implemented at the location, considering the number of people who use the road from Riverbank and the Highlands alone, and with school traffic to and from St. Oliver’s.

I will continue to keep this matter on the councils agenda and will also ensure contact is maintained with Meath County Council.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alzheimers Product Unit could mean huge boost for Drogheda- Cllr. Kevin Callan

Alzheimers Product Unit could mean huge boost for Drogheda- Cllr. Kevin Callan

Drogheda Borough Councillor, Kevin Callan has said that an opportunity exists to attempt to attract a foreign national company to County Louth and to Drogheda in particular and that he will be seeking the assistance of the Borough Council, the Economic Forum, the Chamber of Commerce and the Trades Council to open discussions to have the unit locate in Drogheda.

Councillor Callan, said that, “this is a huge potential investment opportunity for our town, I am raising it at the March meeting of the Borough Council and I will be in touch with the Chamber of Commerce, the Trades Council and the Economic Forum in the interim, we need to get moving in respect of this opportunity and any others that present themselves to get Drogheda moving and make it a competitive and relevant location for inward investment.

“Dr Pearse Lyons, originally a native of County Louth and creator of the Alltech Group in the United States is examining the possibility of a potential spin off brain disease unit that could be worth €500 million. Dr. Lyons, who has close links to the Muhammad Ali Foundation has his business based in Kentucky in the United States ,has hired professional advisors to approach major pharmaceutical companies and investors to examine a new product that could assist in alleviating alzheimer’s disease”.

Cllr Callan said that this investment would be a huge boost to Drogheda and is one of many examples of a case where we need to be coming together to attract foreign investment.

“We need a group consisting elected members led by the Mayor of Drogheda, members of the economic forum and the Chamber of Commerce and the Trades Council meet with these professional advisors to discuss Drogheda as a viable location, with a deep sea port, rail and road networks and with its proximity to Dublin. Drogheda also has a vast industrial estate which is mainly vacant and ready to go. This meeting must also include planning staff of the Borough Council and all other agencies such as the ESB involved.

Councillor Callan said it appeared that this product and the exploratory work being carried out by it could lead to a new business division.

“This could mean investment in Drogheda and expansion by the US based company into the European Union with Drogheda and Ireland being its base”.

The Alltech Group currently work in the area of nutrigenomics which is based on how foods and their mineral constituents affect genes and how that influences the effects of various diseases, the company currently has sales of €400million but this is due to double in the next three years

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Business Incentive Scheme for Town Centre – Cllr Callan

New Business Incentive Scheme for Town Centre – Cllr Callan
Scheme to be in place in January 2011

Our town centre is to have a serious boost with a new business incentive scheme to encourage the use of vacant commercial premises in Drogheda Town Centre in the New Year which will offer a rate scheme which will have a phased implementation of charges to attract new businesses to fill vacant units.

Speaking to the Drogheda Independent, Cllr Callan said that he was extremely grateful to the council officials for working on the initial policy document he put forward in January as Deputy Mayor.

“This is a hugely positive move, our town centre has suffered greatly and this scheme will generate new business and new employment, in the same week we open our new tourist office in the Tholsel, we are definitely making moves in the right direction to getting Drogheda moving again”.

Speaking at the Council meeting on Monday night, County Manager Conn Murray referred to the proposed scheme as put forward by Cllr. Callan early in 2010 and said that the council had worked on the proposal and was implementing it in both Drogheda and Dundalk.

The policy document states that the aims of the scheme are to,“ actively promote the development and enhancement of retail floor space in key areas of Drogheda Town Centre most visibly affected by the economic downturn and to enhance the vitality of the Town Centre and commercial well-being of the town and job creation and employment”.

According to Cllr Callan, “We have opened our Tholsel building to the people of the town and to tourists, we are making good sound decisions about our town and this decision to have a business incentive scheme will help fill empty shop units that have been vacant for two years or more. The business incentive scheme will be run for two years only so we will see new businesses starting up in our town centre.

I am aware of the fact that the Borough Council will be advertising details of the scheme in the coming weeks and updating the public on the scheme but some important points to note are that the premises must be vacant for two years and will then be eligible for a grant of 50% of rates in year one and 25% in year two. The scheme is conditional on a three year lease being signed by the new occupier, evidence of which must be shown to the Borough Council.

Cllr. Callan also stated that the Council officials had followed his draft scheme by making provisions to ensure the scheme is not abused.

The Council will allow premises to be subject to the scheme for a shop as defined in the planning legislation and as office space, medical or health professional clinics or as a crèche, day nursery or day centre. Uses which will not be allowed include takeaways, amusement arcades or premises with gaming machines, head shops, betting offices, nightclubs, or premises where unauthorised development has taken place or which are subject to enforcement proceedings.

I hope that this scheme can help people who are interested in setting up their business in our town centre, who will create jobs. I think it sends out the message that Drogheda town centre is open for business and attractive as a location in which to do business. I thank my Council colleagues for their support and the officials of Louth County Council and Drogheda Borough Council for their work in the area.

Rathmullen Road Junction examination welcomed- Cllr. Kevin Callan

Rathmullen Road Junction examination welcomed- Cllr. Kevin Callan

Fine Gael Councillor Kevin Callan has said that the actions being taken by the Borough Council in the coming weeks in relation to the Rathmullen Road junction are to be welcomed. The Councillor placed the matter on the agenda of the meeting of the Borough Council (Monday 1st November) calling for the council to carry out a traffic management survey and look at the issue of safety at the junction.

In recent weeks I have received calls from residents of the Rathmullen Road who have complained about the long queues of traffic at the junction in the mornings where there is a very serious issue with traffic volumes and the junction is not currently fit for purpose for those living on the Rathmullen Road and who are trying to access the town, get to work and bring children to school.

One resident who contacted Cllr. Callan said that the situation was not acceptable. “We live in Riverbank, we are always seriously delayed by the junction, it is impossible to get out onto the main road or to the Bridge of Peace in the mornings. The junction is impossible, with traffic having to squeeze into a small area in the middle of the road and having to watch traffic coming in all directions”.

Cllr. Callan has also raised the issue of the current state of fencing along the footpaths and in particular beside the Ballsgrove Gate.

“Anybody using this junction will be aware of the very serious issue of people and young people in particular climbing under fencing adjacent to the Gate and accessing the road on a slope at the junction, there is a very serious risk of an accident due to this activity. I have received assurances from the Council that the fencing will be examined with a view to securing the area.

In relation to the junction itself the Council have informed me that they will examine and assess its current capacity. There is a possibility of improving the junction should the council deem it to fall below an acceptable standard.

Notice of Question

Will this Council carry out a traffic management survey at the junction at the bottom of the Rathmullen Road beside the Ballsgrove Gate. Will the Council consider improving the fencing along the footpath beside the Ballsgrove Gate in the interest of public safety as pedestrians, on occasion access the road through the existing fencing. Will the Council also consider the junction layout and the possibility of introducing a traffic light scheme similar to that recently introduced at the junction of Georges Street and Patrick Street. Will the Council consider the difficulties encountered by residents of the Rathmullen Road area when carrying out such a survey as residents continually have difficulty in exiting the Rathmullen Road at the above mentioned junction.

Council Reply

The Council will examine this junction and assess its current capacity. The possibility of improving the junction will be examined should the capacity of the junction to cater for existing traffic fall below an acceptable standard.

The fencing along the footpath will also be examined with a view to securing the area.

New Tourist Signs Welcomed- Cllr. Kevin Callan

New Tourist Signs Welcomed- Cllr. Kevin Callan

Drogheda Fine Gael Councillor, Kevin Callan has said that the introduction of new street signs ahead of the summer tourist season are to be welcomed and will be a huge help to Droghedas tourist industry.

“These signs are fantastic and are in perfect keeping with the towns landscape and historical character. The recent opening of the towns tourist office at the Tholsel and these signs will greatly help tourists navigate their way around the town centre to historical locations such as Laurences Gate, Highlanes Gallery, Mayoralty House and many others which have also been given plaques showing the name of the building and its date of construction similar to those used by the national trust in the United Kingdom”.

Speaking to LMFM Cllr. Callan said that the Council was making great progress in regard to tourism for the summer season with the local authority working to have the Tholsel made the first stop on the Boyne Valley Trail in conjunction with Failte Ireland.

This summer is going to be hugely important to Drogheda, we need to make sure we are ready for tourists who come to town, we need to make sure everything is done that will keep them in town for as long as possible and these signs are a further step in this effort.

Cllr. Callan also said that the inclusion in the budget of funds to complete the Tholsel and the possibility of tourist coach parking in West Street beside the Tholsel would also be issues he would be pursuing in 2011.

Cllr. Kevin Callan welcomes agreement on Traffic Task Force for Town

Cllr. Kevin Callan welcomes agreement on Traffic Task Force for Town

Cllr. Kevin Callan told the Michael Reade Show on LMFM that he is very pleased with the support his proposal has received to see a traffic management group and public forum to deal with traffic issues such as congestion and estate parking has received at the monthly Borough Council meeting.

“I have brought this issue forward following the results of a GPS study which shows Drogheda to be the most congested town in Ireland based on the findings that traffic is travelling at less than 70% of the posted speed limit”.

Cllr Callan stated that the results of the survey were quite clear, we have a situation where Drogheda is the most congested town in Ireland with traffic travelling at under 70% of the posted speed limits.

“This is an issue that is letting the town down, all of the main routes including the Donore Road, Marsh Road, Dublin Road, Rathmullen Road, North Road, Termonfeckin Road are suffering from traffic congestion as is the town centre. We need to provide a task force made up of local groups, the Gardai, the roads and engineering sections of Drogheda Borough Council and a form of public consultation that allows people to have a say and an avenue to express their concerns around the area of traffic but also in the areas of parking as many residential areas are now being affected by pay parking in the town centre. Residential areas such as Anneville Crescent, Scarlet Crescent and Georgian Close are experiencing people parking in their estates and walking to work, we need to come up with solutions.

Cllr. Callan also referred to the Drogheda Transportation Study 2005 which set about addressing the many different transport issues.

“This document is excellent and was compiled following a detailed consultation process with the people of the town, this consultation is needed again”

Text of section of report referred to by Cllr. Callan at meeting;

“the public consultation took place over five days at Drogheda Town Centre from Nov 15th -19th 2004 between 9am and 6pm. Representatives of Drogheda Borough Council were in attendance at the display to assist the public in their consideration of the key issues of the study and to help in completing the questionnaire.

The format of the public display incorporated theme boards that identified specific issues in relation to traffic flow, public transport, parking and pedestrian and cyclist facilities in the town. Attendees were invited to view the boards accompanied by facilitators from Drogheda Borough Council and were then asked to complete a questionnaire in relation to the issues raised. In a significant number of cases the questionnaires were taken away by the public and returned to the Borough Council offices.

The public display attracted a high level of participation from the public and it was successful in terms of raising awareness of the study and identifying issues in relation to the future growth of Drogheda”.

From the study document it is clear to see that people in Drogheda are interested in the issue of traffic management, we need to continually consult with people from residential areas and from the business community to make sure we deal with the issues which are causing difficulties. We have a tourist stategy in place and we need to deal with traffic congestion ahead of the summer to ensure we don’t lose potential visitors to the town.

Notice of Motion

Will this Council consider the formation of a Traffic Management Task Force to deal with the serious issue of traffic congestion in Drogheda.

Will this Council also recognise the results of the recent Tom Tom Satellite Navigation group survey which shows Drogheda to be Irelands most congested town and the sixth worst traffic congested location in Ireland. The results of the research was based on real travel times database, compiled over years of researching and tracking road speeds with the help of millions of satellite navigation users worldwide. Travel information is sent anonymously to the above mentioned organisation every day when its users connect their device to the groups system. The result is realistic travel time information for every five minutes, every day of the week.

In this survey cities and towns are ranked according to how fast cars can travel on the street network. A city’s traffic is defined as congested if drivers can travel at only 70% or less of the posted speed limit, meaning that an hour-long commute would include 20 minutes or more of significant delays.

The percentages refer to the percentage of main roads (4 highest road classes) that experienced congestion as defined above during a day.

The full list of the most congested Irish cities and towns is:

NAME Percentage of congested roads
Galway 37.1%
Dublin 28.6%
Limerick 28.3%
Cork 27.5%
Waterford 19.7%
Drogheda 16.6%
Navan 8.2%
Castlebar 4.8%
Killarney 3.6%
Kildare 1.4%
Donegal 0.4%
Ennis 0.02%

From these figures, will Drogheda Borough Council form a task force comprising the relevant groups and organisations to attempt to improve the issue of traffic congestion.