Rathmullen Road Junction examination welcomed- Cllr. Kevin Callan
Fine Gael Councillor Kevin Callan has said that the actions being taken by the Borough Council in the coming weeks in relation to the Rathmullen Road junction are to be welcomed. The Councillor placed the matter on the agenda of the meeting of the Borough Council (Monday 1st November) calling for the council to carry out a traffic management survey and look at the issue of safety at the junction.
In recent weeks I have received calls from residents of the Rathmullen Road who have complained about the long queues of traffic at the junction in the mornings where there is a very serious issue with traffic volumes and the junction is not currently fit for purpose for those living on the Rathmullen Road and who are trying to access the town, get to work and bring children to school.
One resident who contacted Cllr. Callan said that the situation was not acceptable. “We live in Riverbank, we are always seriously delayed by the junction, it is impossible to get out onto the main road or to the Bridge of Peace in the mornings. The junction is impossible, with traffic having to squeeze into a small area in the middle of the road and having to watch traffic coming in all directions”.
Cllr. Callan has also raised the issue of the current state of fencing along the footpaths and in particular beside the Ballsgrove Gate.
“Anybody using this junction will be aware of the very serious issue of people and young people in particular climbing under fencing adjacent to the Gate and accessing the road on a slope at the junction, there is a very serious risk of an accident due to this activity. I have received assurances from the Council that the fencing will be examined with a view to securing the area.
In relation to the junction itself the Council have informed me that they will examine and assess its current capacity. There is a possibility of improving the junction should the council deem it to fall below an acceptable standard.
Notice of Question
Will this Council carry out a traffic management survey at the junction at the bottom of the Rathmullen Road beside the Ballsgrove Gate. Will the Council consider improving the fencing along the footpath beside the Ballsgrove Gate in the interest of public safety as pedestrians, on occasion access the road through the existing fencing. Will the Council also consider the junction layout and the possibility of introducing a traffic light scheme similar to that recently introduced at the junction of Georges Street and Patrick Street. Will the Council consider the difficulties encountered by residents of the Rathmullen Road area when carrying out such a survey as residents continually have difficulty in exiting the Rathmullen Road at the above mentioned junction.
Council Reply
The Council will examine this junction and assess its current capacity. The possibility of improving the junction will be examined should the capacity of the junction to cater for existing traffic fall below an acceptable standard.
The fencing along the footpath will also be examined with a view to securing the area.
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