Drogheda North Fine Gael Representative, Kevin Callan has criticised the latest malfunction of a €115 air traffic control system at the Airport which has disrupted tens of thousands of travellers, many from Louth/Meath."The Minister must restore confidence in air traffic control at Dublin Airport by launching an independent inquiry into this matter, publishing the independent Irish Aviation Authority safety reviews and improving procedures in the IAA so that when small glitches are discovered that they are not allowed to progress to the extent experienced over the past days."The Government has spent €115 million on what Minister Dempsey assures us is the most sophisticated air traffic control system currently in use by any country.
This is of little comfort to those passengers who now have had their travel plans thrown into chaos."With airport activity grinding to a halt, then operating at half capacity yesterday and only functioning at 65-70% today - serious questions must be answered with regard to the nature of the problem and how it was allowed to progress so far."An air traffic control system is one of the few systems in the world that should not have glitches or failures. In the event that this occurs, an adequate back-up system should be in place to ensure a seamless service."The Airport has suffered intermittent failures in this system in recent weeks and I understand the problems began after the software in the system was changed.
The Minister must find out immediately if this new software is defective, why replacement software was not available, and why the original software was not reinstalled following continued computer failures."It is unacceptable that many people from Louth and Meath have had their holidays ruined and disrupted, many of them elderly and who have families with children at such a busy time of year."
Contact Kevin Directly on: 087 777 6648
Contact Kevin Directly on: 087 777 6648
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