Final Admission that Minister's 'Fair Deal' will be delayed by at least a yearThe Minster for Health & Children, Mary Harney TD, today finally admitted that her 'Fair Deal' on the funding for nursing home care will not be introduced in 2008 but will be delayed by at least a year, according to Drogheda North Fine Gael Representative, Kevin Callan."Minister Harney first announced her 'Fair Deal' plan in December 2006. It was supposed to apply from 1st January 2008. However, from the word go it has been beset with delays and legal setbacks leading to great confusion among elderly patients and their families on the funding of nursing home care. Now, more than 18 months after its announcement the Minister has finally admitted that her flagship project will be delayed by at least a year."In an attempt to save sinking Exchequer finances, Minister Harney today said that a total of €144.35m is to be saved within the health sector which will undoubtedly affect patient care. Of the €110 million ring-fenced for the care of the elderly, €85 million is now to be used for other purposes. "This is a real slap in the face for families that have held on in desperation for the past 18 months in anticipation of this legislation. I had had one gentleman come to my clinic last week having sold his mother's house.
Having paid out over €300,000 in nursing home fees over the past five years, he now has no money left in the kitty and is at a loss as to how his mother is to be cared for. "This Government's failure to implement the legislation necessary to bring in the 'Fair Deal' on nursing home care is imposing unnecessary hardship and confusion on many elderly people and their families. Yet again, this Government failed to keep their promised to ring-fence funds for the most vulnerable in society.
Now that the Government has blown the boom and squandered the cash, families will be forced to use their savings or get into increasing debt to pay the fees for nursing home care. "In the announcement to reduce payroll bills by 3% by the end of 2009, there was no clarity about how this would affect the Department of Health and the HSE. Credibility is not this Government's strong suit.""It is time for Minister Harney to come clean on her planned cutbacks for 2009."
Contact Kevin directly on: 087 777 6648.
Contact Kevin directly on: 087 777 6648.
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